Schedule appointments online, or Drop In


Schedule your own appointment!

It's okay to ask for help. Our staff are trained to assist you with a variety of career needs, from reviewing and revising your résumé, to helping you write the perfect cover letter, to assisting with your job and internship searches.

Handshake logo

You can schedule an appointment with Career Development staff through Handshake.
Watch the YouTube Appointment Video, or follow these directions:

  • Go to the Handshake login page
  • Log in with your Capital email and the password you created
  • Click on "Career Center" at the top of your computer screen (or click on "Account" on the bottom of your mobile device screen, then select "Career Center"), and select "Appointments"
  • Click on "Schedule a New Appointment"

You can also contact us directly at 614-236-6606 or email us at to schedule an appointment. 

Drop In

You can also just drop in to see if someone is available to meet with you!


Headshot 1


Contact Capital's photographer to schedule an appointment!

Schedule now

You can take headshots with your phone, too.

  1. Recruit a friend to be your photographer:  Technically, you can do this yourself, holding the phone at a distance for a selfie, but it’s easier if someone helps you.
  2. Find a neutral space for your background: A blank wall indoors or outdoors with limited distractions works best. One easy way to blur your background is to use “portrait mode” on your smartphone when taking the photo. If your phone does not have a portrait mode option, there are several apps that allow you to blur the background of your photos.
  3. Plan your lighting: When taking professional photos indoors, try to avoid shadows and turn off indoor lighting. Avoid overhead lights. Try to place yourself in front of a window for natural lighting. When taking photos outdoors, try to take them on a cloudy day. If you cannot wait for a cloudy day, avoid the sun hitting your face directly or from behind you.
  4. Adjust the phone: Hold the phone at eye level, or slightly above it. Another reason to recruit a friend: they can use the back camera as opposed to the front, since the back camera is usually higher quality.
  5. Wear the right clothes: Professional and neutral clothing works best. Find a shirt/top that contrasts with your background. Avoid busy patterns and graphics.